SuperTaps Heels Taps

SuperTaps Heels Taps
  • SuperTaps Heels Taps

SuperTaps HEELS : sizes 1 to 9

clear metal Sound, excellent quality

Fred Astaire's and the Nicholas Brothers best loved taps !

Caracteristics of the taps :
clear metall sound
sizes SuperTaps: HEEL H 10
Product available with different options

SuperTaps HEELS : sizes 1 to 9

HEEL 1  > the biggest: lenght 6,3 cm, width 5,8 cm
HEEL 2  lenght 5,5 cm, width 5 cm
HEEL 3  lenght 5,2 cm, width 4,9 cm
HEEL 4  lenght,5 cm, width 4,5 cm
HEEL 5  lenght 4 cm, width 4 cm
HEEL 6  lenght 4,8 cm, width 3,8 cm
HEEL 7  lenght 3,6 cm, width 3,4 cm
HEEL 8  lenght 2,6 cm, width 3 cm
HEEL 9  lenght 2,3 cm, width 2,1 cm