MGM - Softshoe of 1942

Tap Dance Research N°3 ENG PDF
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  • TDR3 - MGM Softshoe ENG PDF

Tap Dance Research N°3 - MGM: Softshoe of 1942. Choreographische Analyse der 2 Versionen dieser eleganten Softshoe-Nummer, getanzt von Eleanor Powell & Ray McDonald. ENGLISCHE Ausgabe erhältlich als DOWNLOAD PDF

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3,74 €

Victor Cuno

MGM: Softshoe of 1942
MGM musicals of 1942 included Ship Ahoy  starring Eleanor Powell and Babes On Broadway starring Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. Both films display the same Softshoe-Routine, a delightfully oldfashioned dance, very reminiscent of the Minstrel era.