Steptanz Basiskombinationen (Lexikon)

Steptanz Basiskombinationen (Lexikon)
  • Steptanz Basiskombinationen (Lexikon)

(Victor Cuno) 350 Seiten DEUTSCHE AUSGABE. Lexikon der grundlegenden technischen und choreographischen Kombinationen, geordnet nach Stilrichtung, Tempo und Schwierigkeitsgrad. Für alle Stufen !

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Nicht auf Lager

Dieses Buch enthält alle grundlegenden Step-Schritte der grossen Epoche des Steptanzes mit vielen Varianten. Rhythm-Dance, Rhythm-Tap, Buck-And-Wing, Softshoe, Waltzclog, Toe-And-Heel : eine unglaubliche Sammlung von Stepmaterial !


Kombinationen von A bis Z:

    A              1
Airplane-Charleston - Air-Turn - The American Eight - The Applejack - Arabesque - Around-The-World - Assemblé-Cramproll

    B              9
Back-Front Swing - Back Essence - Ball - Ballin'-The-Jack - The Baltimore Buzz Bambalina Time-Step - Bandy-Twist - Barrel-Roll-Turn -  Basic Cramproll - Bees-Knees - Bells - The Big Apple - Black-Bottom - Body-Music - Bolero-Shuffle  Bombershay - Boogie-Steps - Boogie-Stomp Time-Step - Boogie Triplet - Break-A-Leg - Breakaway - Broadway-Step - John Bubbles - Buck-And-Wing Step  Buck Cross-Step -  Buck Intro-Step - Buck Time-Step - Buck-Turn - Buffalo            Buffalo-Time-Step - B.S.-Break - B.S. Time-Step

    C              51
Cabriole - Camel-Walk - (Original)Charleston - Charleston: -Kick / -Strut - Chicago Chop-Suey - Cincinnati - Clap - ClickAIR - ClickTOE - ClickHEEL - The Clock  Close-Cramproll - Collegian-Charleston - The Conga - Coupé-Jeté - Corkscrew  Crab-Walk - Cramproll - Cramproll Time-Step - Crazy-Legs - Crossover - Cross-Phrasing - Cubanola-Glide - Cut-Out

    D               95
Dig-Kombination - Digchange - Dig (Aussenkante) - DigSTEP-Rolls - Dip Double: -Buck / -Cross / -Knee-Kick / -Pullback / -Wing - Drag - Drawback -  Duck-Walk - Dutch-Hop

    E / F              113
"8" - Exit-Step - Fake Over-The-Top & Syncopated Glide / Fake-Wing - Fake-Wing Time-Step - Falling-Off-A-Log - Fan: -Kick / -Turn - Finishing Break - Flam - Flap-Ballchange - Flap-Heel - Flea-Hop - Flying Shuffle - Front Essence

    G               135
Going-No-Place - Going-To-Church - The Goose - Grace-Tap - Grapevine - The Grasshopper

    H               145
Half-Break / Full-Break - Half-Break Time-Step - Heel-Roll - Hit  - Hitch-Kick - The Hollywood-Walk - Hoofer Time-Step

    I / J               159
Irish - Jazz: -Break / -Essence / -Time-Step - Jeté - Jive Over-The-Top - Jive-Split  Jive-Wings

    K              167
Kick - Kick-Charleston - Kick-The-Bucket - Kick-Out - Knee-Drop - Knees-On-Floor

    L               173
Lancashire-Clog - Lazy Buffalo - Leaps - Leap-Over - Eddie Leonard - Lindy-Tap  The Look-Out

    M / N / O               183
Machine-Gun - Maxieford - Military-Steps - Military Time-Step - Mule-Kick Nerve:        -Dig / - Paddle / -Tap - Offbeat-Pattern - 1-2-3 -  Out / In -  Over-The-Top
    P              205
Paddle-And-Roll - Paddle-Turn - Parallel-Travel - Pas-De-Bourrée - Patting Peckin'     Pencil-Turn - Pendulum: -Brush / -Travel / -Wing - Pigeon: -Toes / -Wing - Pirouetten Pitter-Patter - Pivot-Turn - Press-Cramproll - Public Tapper N° 1 - Push-Step - Push-And-Cross Step - Push-Turn
    R             223
Railroad-Shuffle - The Razor - Regalettes - Rhythm: -Breaks / -Essence / -Irish /           -Pattern / -Pullbacks / -Roll / -Time-Step / -Turn / -Waltzclog Time-Step - Riff:               -Backriff / -FlamDIG / -Kombinationen / -Pacing / -Walk - Rip - Riverboat-Shuffle         Rockin' -  Roll - Rolling-Shuffle - Roll-Out - Rolling-Wings - Rond de Jambe  Running-Back - Running-In-Place - Russian-Wing
    S               253
Sailor-Step - Schottisch - Scissors - Scoot-Step - The Shag - ScrapeTOE  - Scratch:    -Wing  / -Trenches - The Scronch - Shave-And-A-Haircut - Shim-Sham - Shim-Sham-Break - Shoot-Me-While-I'm-Happy - Shoeshine - Shooting-The-Pistol              Shorty-George - Shuffle-Ballchange - Shuffle-Hop Roll - Side-Back-Cross - Side-Essence - Side-Toe-Side - Sissonne - Six O' Clock - Skating - Skipping - Slide - Slide-Through - Snap - Snatch - Softshoe: -Break / -Rhythm-Break / -Drag / -Irish / -Travel / -Walk - Spankin' The Baby - Spiral-Turn - Spread-Eagle - Stag-Leap - Stars-And-Shoes - Step-Out - Stopping-The-Traffic - Stride-Walk - Strut - Strut-Touch - Sugar-Foot - Susie-Q - Sway - Swing-Kicks - Swing-Turn - Syncopated-Glide

    T               307
Tack-Annie - 3-3-7 - Tangle-Foot - Time-Step - / -Break / -Kombinationen - ToeHOP  Toestand - Train-Step - Travelling: / -Essence / -Riff-Walk / -Time-Step / -Waltzclog  (Through The) Trenches - Triple-Swing -  Truckin' - Turns: Drehungen an Ort, Drehungen durch den Raum - Turn In / Turn Out

    V / W              325
Vaudeville / -Essence / -Time-Step - Vernacular-Step - Virginia-Style: -Essence /             -Waltzclog - Walk - Walk-2 - Walking Grapevine - Walking Paddle - Walkin' The Dog  Walking Waltzclog - The Walk-Up - Waltzclog Time-Step - Waltzclog-Kombinationen - Waltzclog 4/4-Takt - Waltzclog-Cross - Waltz-Cross-Step - Waltz-Pull - Who Got Married? Tom Mix! - Wiggle-Sticks - The Windmill - (single) Wings - Wizard of Oz          

    Steptanzstile        351

    Terminologie        359

    Rhythmische Notation    369

    Verzeichnis nach Ursprungsstil    374

    Verzeichnis nach Tempo und Level    381

    Synonyme einiger Schrittbezeichnungen    392